
To be a legitimate army on Club Penguin, you require a nations page. In the Underground Mafias Army, we call it the Empire, due to our vast military size, and the amount of territory we have gained over the years! The official state of the UMA is known as the People’s Greater Underground Union or PGUU.

Table of Content:

  1. Preamble 
  2. Government
  3. Our True Colours
  4. Territory 
  5. Diplomatic Relations(A/E)
  6. Flag
  7. National Anthem


Every soldier in the Underground Mafias Army, upon joining, must agree to certain rules, that if broken, can lead to harsh punishments. This is known as the preamble. Below are the specific preamble’s depending on ones rank.


“As a soldier of the Underground Mafias Army, I promise to abide all the laws set in place by my superiors in the army. The Fuhrer is in full power, and I cannot challenge any of his decisions. 100% will be put in by myself, and I will not complain about any punishments that are justified.”


“I, hereby, promise not to abuse my rank. All members will be given fair treatment, by myself, and I will respect all of the Owners and Leaders in the army. If I am inactive, I can expect to be demoted, whilst if I am active, I can hope to be rewarded.”


“The Fuhrer comes first. I love the Underground Mafias Army, and I agree not to quarrel with the Fuhrer. Rebellions, or any acts of such, cannot involve me being part of it, and I will respect the lower ranks, by treating them fairly. Not attending events can lead to me being fired from my position.”


“Activity is extremely important. I must set events regularly, in which the sizes are well. Being on chat is crucial, and stability in the army must be ensured. Any arguments must be resolved, and I will take full responsibility for my actions. Along with all of that, I promise to honor the other leaders, if there are any.”


The Underground Mafias Army is a Communist single-party state Totalitarian dictatorship. The Union is governed by the Fuhrer of the UMA. The Fuhrer may appoint the leaders of the army and dismiss them as he/pleases pleases. The Fuhrer is the owner of the site and chat at all times and his/her judgement is final. Fuhrers serve an unlimited amount of time. His majesty has the ultimate symbol and power of authority within the realm.

Our True Colors:

Red- The bloodshed of our soldiers and our enemies. It is evidence that we fight without surrendering, and that we, as loyal comrades, are united together as one. It also shows one’s patriotism towards the UMA.

Black- The power of the UMA and the allegiance to it’s Fuhrer.

Arctic White[Soon To Be]- The passion of the UMA. It signifies how we are willing to compromise to adapt to changes, whether minor, or large. 


The Underground Mafias Empire is split into four provinces. We have the UMA PROPER, of which is the most important, the French province, and the Portuguese province. There is also the Colonial Province.


The supreme province of the Underground Inter-Dominion Realm. Here, our capital lies, in servers the historical server of Mittens. To the north, the Nacho Empire lies, to the east, it borders the Rebel Penguin Federation, and the DRACP, with the Pirates and Ice Warriors to the south. To the south-west, Mammoth lies, disputed among many armies. 

Key :

  • [C] – Capital 
  • [FC] – Former Capital
  • [Hi] – Historical
  • [S] – Shared
  • [LG] – Land grant
  1. Bunny Hill ★ [C]
  2. Mammoth ★★★★★ [FC] [Hi] – International Server
  3. Slushy ★★★★ – Military Stronghold
  4. Mittens★★★★ [FC] – Diplomatic HQ
  5. Ice Palace ★★★ [FC] – Financial Capital
  6. Ice Shelf
  7. Chinook ★★★ [Hi] – Historical server
  8. Flurry ★★★ [C]
  9. Fog★★★ – Formerly NW Capital (taken) / Formerly SWAT Capital (taken)
  10. Sasquatch ★★★ [FC] – Formerly FGR Capital (taken)
  11. Frostbite: ★★
  12. Frozen ★★ [Hi] – Historical server
  13. Cozy 
  14. Grizzly 
  15. Oyster 
  16. Mountain ★★
  17. Zipline
  18. Outback
  19. Sherbert 
  20. Bubblegum
  21. Ice shelf 
  22. Hypothermia 
  23. Tundra  [S] – Shared with WV
  24. Rainbow★-

Colonial Province:

The Colonial province contains servers under UMA jurisdiction. They are territories of armies that are colonies of the Underground Mafias Army. This is the second most important province in the Underground Inter-Dominion Realm. 

  1. Winterland (Chaos): Colonial Capital
  2. Alaska (Chaos)
  3. Snow Bank (Chaos)
  4. Northern Lights (Chaos)
  5. Southern Lights (Chaos)
  6. Altitude

French Province:

The more important foreign province of the two, the French Province contains overseas lands once fought over by many armies, upon discovery. People here are scarcely populated, after the destruction from wars. We hold the largest territory from the French Land of Club Penguin, compared to all other armies.

  1. Soda Mousse: Supreme Foreign Capital
  2. Bottes(Former French Capital)
  3. Antarctique
  4. Aventure
  5. Aurore Boréale
  6. Canoë
  7. Crème Glacée
  8. Chocolate Chaude
  9. Enneigé★
  10. Flaque d’Eau*
  11. Flocon
  12. Glace Sechè
  13. Glaçons
  14. Jour de Neige
  15. Marmotte: International Server(UMA)★
  16. Migrateur

Portuguese Province:

In decline, the Portuguese Province is very much ignored. Once the economic heart of the Underground Inter-Dominion Realm, the colonies were controlled here, in the Server of Boreal, before transferring to the French Province. The border with the demilitarized Portuguese Servers has a harsh climate, with very few living there. 

  1. Granizo: Portuguese Capital
  2. Antardida
  3. Boreal(Former Supreme Foreign Capital) 
  4. Cha
  5. Cream Soda(Portuguese)
  6. Fiesta (Portuguese)
  7. Chocolate Quente
  8. Inverno
  9. Bloca de Gelo
  10. Pizza Fria


Bold indicates that that certain server is important.

Italics indicates that that certain server is disputed

Underlining indicates that that certain server is not ours, but rather one of an army that has given us land grant into it. 

Diplomatic Relations[A/E]:


  • Nacho Empire
  • Army Republic


  • Army of Club Penguin (Traditional Enemies)
  • Rebel Penguin Federation


Anyone who is not listed as an ally or an enemy is neutral.


Flag of UMA Empire:


Flag of the Royal Monarchy:


National Anthems:


-UMA Staff-

One comment on “Union
  1. jujubeans22 says:

    Dark Knights Of Club Penguin is colony of UMA

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