
Former leaders, loyal soldiers, and those who committed acts of crime against the Underground Mafias Army can all be found by navigating through the links, right here, on the Hall of Fame.

Hall Of Legends

We all know that the Underground Mafias Army has had various leaders over the years, ranging from those who led for a short while, to those who are remembered for their long stay. The question is, however, who were the greatest of them all? 



List of Leaders

Every leader, from the first, to the current. Any other list without this data is inaccurate.


Medals of Honor

Ever hoped to be remembered in the Underground Mafias Army one day, but never got as far as leader? If so, you might want to check out this page!


Walk of Shame

Feel free to make the disrespectful feel ashamed of themselves. Here is a list of people who did wrong, here, at the UMA.


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