
The prototypical example of a finite field is {\mathbf F}_p := {\mathbf Z} / p{\mathbf Z} for p a prime number.  We can also construct fields with p^2 elements by analogy with the complex numbers.  Choose a non-square d \in {\mathbf F}_p and define {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}] to be the set of all formal expressions of the form a+b\sqrt{d} with a,b \in {\mathbf F}_p, together with the addition and multiplication laws (a_1 + b_1 \sqrt{d}) + (a_2 + b_2 \sqrt{d}) = (a_1 + a_2) + (b_1 + b_2)\sqrt{d} and (a_1 + b_1 \sqrt{d}) \cdot (a_2 + b_2 \sqrt{d}) = (a_1 a_2 + d b_1 b_2) + (a_1 b_2 + a_2 b_1)\sqrt{d}.  One can easily check that {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}] is a field, with the reciprocal of \alpha = a+b \sqrt{d} given by \bar{\alpha} / \| \alpha \|, where \bar{\alpha} = a-b\sqrt{d} and\| \alpha \| = \alpha \bar\alpha = a^2 + d b^2.  We can identify {\mathbf F}_p with the subfield \{a + 0 \cdot \sqrt{d} \} of {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}].

Here are two basic properties of fields, both of which are usually known as “Lagrange’s Theorem”:

Lagrange #1: A polynomial of degree k \geq 1 with coefficients in a field F can have at most kroots in F.  (This is completely false if we replace “field” by “ring”.)  See here for a proof in the special case F={\mathbf F}_p which generalizes immediately to any field.  We just need the following special case: the only roots of x^2 - b^2 in F are x = \pm b.  This follows from the fact that x^2 - b^2 = (x-b)(x+b)=0 in F implies that either x-b = 0 or x+b=0.

Lagrange #2:  Let F be a finite field with q elements and let F^\times denote the nonzero elements ofF.  Then the order k of any \alpha \in F^\times (defined as the smallest positive integer \ell such that \alpha^\ell = 1) divides |F^\times| = q-1.  (This can be viewed as an extension of Fermat’s Little Theorem, the proof is basically the same: multiplication by \alpha permutes the elements of F^\times, and thus \prod_{\beta \in F^*} \alpha \beta = \prod_{\beta \in F^*} \beta.  Hence \alpha^{q-1} = 1.  Writing q-1 = k\ell + r with \ell,r integers such that 0 \leq r < \ell, it follows that \alpha^r=1 and hence r = 0.)

The following property of the fields {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}] will be crucial in what follows.

Key Lemma: For \alpha \in {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}], we have \alpha^p = \bar\alpha.

Proof: Since d is a quadratic non-residue modulo p, Euler’s Criterion tells us that d^{(p-1)/2} = -1 in {\mathbf F}_p.  Thus (\sqrt{d})^{p} = \sqrt{d} \cdot (\sqrt{d})^{p-1} = -\sqrt{d} in {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}].  From the binomial theorem, the fact that p=0 in {\mathbf F}_p[\sqrt{d}], and Fermat’s Little Theorem, it follows that (a+b\sqrt{d})^p = a^p + b^p (\sqrt{d})^p = a - b \sqrt{d} as desired.


im a fucking shitlord, nigga

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